Tuesday, April 17, 2012

St. John Day 3/4

Papa had a free day.  We spent the AM at the beach and the PM touring the island
our room
Alex would have been happy climbing the stairs in the buff all day.
up and down

The view from our tour' bus' (a pick up truck with benches)
Our tour guide was a bad photographer.  But, a good driver which really counted.

St. John adopted the British side of the road, but people drive American cars. So, you are driving on the 'wrong side' of the road, but the driver is on the left.  My concern with that is if you are an American (and drunk and a college student), what prompts you to drive on the correct side?  If the cars were different, then you would have that cue, but I am sure people must forget all of the time.

Add that quirk to lots of blind, steep corners and no seat belts in the back of a pick-up truck and you have yourself a terrifying experience.  She beeped every time she went up a corner and I just held my breath (and my baby).  Not something I would sign up for again.  If it weren't for my afternoon Mojito, I would have been really anxious.

Our resort from above

Enjoying a virgin Pina Colada with Cy
Our last breakfast.  The trip went WAY too fast
view from our deck

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