Monday, June 21, 2010

Uncle Woody in the USA, Part II

Our friend from our England days, Uday (AKA Woody), was in NYC visiting family, so we drove down from Boston to see him. We spent a wonderful, leisurely day in the city. Kate and Uday bonded pretty quickly (his gifts of a stuffed camel and book helped grease the wheels). The last time we saw Uday, I was only 4 mos pregnant with Kate!

Giggling with Woody. They bonded over hats and toys, not cigarettes, beer, tea, and politics (in that order at 3 AM) like her mama and Woody in grad school....

Woody and Squire go 'Uptown'.

Kate and Rover's Last Date

Rover and his parents, Cathel and Mark, moved back to Holland last week. They are re-locating to Munich in the fall. We had back to back picnics to say good-bye!

JFK Park in Harvard Sq.

Kate and Rover have a history of some inappropriate behavior. Well, appropriate for 2 year olds, just not for us. We could put these with the Mt. Auburn potty pics and the natural history grab and roll ones...

What is papa thinking?

They had a great time running around the park until it was dark.

We went to Cambridge Common Park in the AM to play in the water before lunch (and also snuck in some Crema Cafe for the mamas...)

Kate let Rover borrow her Pet Sounds shirt. That is true friendship.

Then we picnicked in JFK again. Here Kate is washing her feet with cold watermelon. I guess it feels pretty good on a hot day!

Best Buds. Kate said yesterday that Rover is her best friend.

Pig-pile on mama

They had a great time in the sun

Mama was also very sad to see Cathel go. Kate picked up on that and said to me a few days later " Mama's sick because Rover Mom went away. Don't be sad, mama". Kids are so perceptive.

Kate took a spin in Rover's Ergo and Rover took the Maclaren for a ride.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Professional Pictures

Kate in the Public Garden, Boston.
May 1st, 2010

Photographer: Sheryl Pace

Friday, June 4, 2010


We went up to VT for Memorial Day weekend (the 6th anniversary of our engagement!). We visited Calais (Grandpa and Grandma Henny), Burlington (Auntie Donna and to watch Scott run the marathon), and Browington (Grammie and Scott). Great trip!

Kate and Debi; Kate helps grandpa plant

She insisted on having her seat belt "buckled!"

Eating and driving...

Grammie's friend made Kate the best barn ever! It is way too big for Cambridge, so it will stay in VT. Kate loves it!

After a Memorial Day parade, we stopped for a creemie (spelling? sorry, not a native Vermonter. I call them "soft-serve") at the most beautiful spot (Irasburg, VT)

Papa, Grammie and Scott

Kate actually didn't eat hers..."too cold!"

Laughing with Grammie

Oh, maybe some of Grammie's...

Back in Derby, we visited Scott's farm

There is Flowers, born 2 weeks ago

These cows (and one bull) are hay-fed all winter. They are about to be let out to pasture for the first time this season (and the first time ever for the calfs!) It was so cool to see them excitedly eating the new grass, especially Flowers who is the only one limber enough to frolic!

Out they go to pasture

And we follow behind

There is Flowers enjoying her first fresh meal

They have it good

Scott has a Robin's nest outside the house. This one just hatched!

Grammie's carpenter, Ernie, stopped by with a horse he made for Kate! Grammie and Scott are going to hang it in the house. Kate had just been given a lesson on John Deere tractors, so when asked what the new horse should be named, she declared "Dear John". Hilarious.

Dear John
John Deere

Kate was becoming a real farmer by the end of the day....

One more time playing with the barn and blocks before hitting the road back to Cambridge...