Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Learning to walk (or run)

Sweetest thing ever watching Kate help Alex how to walk.  Video soon!

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Swim class at the Boys and Girls club.  They are both water babies!
cooking.  watching the bran muffins rise (Kate makes them for Alex and boy, do they have the intended effect!)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Alex 11 months: Walking!

Joking with Uncle Josh and Ben

LOVES to climb on Kate's bed and tear things off the wall, etc

and wearing undies on her head


We started a Music Together class and she loves it!  Kate also loves it and they are so sweet together.  Often Alex will leave me and crawl/toddle over to Kate and sit in her lap.

She cut a tooth in Texas and now has 8

Saying Kate!  Been saying "ate ate ate ate" for while and now it sounds more like Kate.  I think Kate is her official first word!  Also saying mama and bye (sorta.  waves bye to her diapers and says "die, die")

Alex started walking about a week before her first birthday.  Video coming!

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Parents observation day!  You can only watch class once a year!  

the recital is in June...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

San Antonio

We stayed at the Hyatt on the Riverwalk in San Antonio for a night.  Nice view!  Alex loved it
The river down below
She even liked the crib (during the day, that is.  When it came time to sleep in it, not so much.  We had a king size bed, so no problem)
The hotel lobby opened up to the river and they had this sort of extension running in though the lobby.  They somehow filtered it, because it was so clean...
Tossing coins
Food on the Riverwalk is very tourist-oriented, so it took a while to find a decent place.  Wherever we went, the pigeons and Mariachi Bands followed

Alex didn't know what to think.  First she ignored them
Then she embraced and enjoyed them

Lots of fun walking on the Riverwalk (and beer!  To go! That would never be allowed in Massachusetts)

Sunset River tour.  We were very lucky and didn't know it- normally the San Antonio is drained annually in January, but starting this year, it will only be every 2 years

Dinner afterwards.  Oh!  Mariachi!  Fun!
Are you enjoying this?
OMG are they ever going to leave??!

For Uncle Jake
San Antonio himself
Ready for Catholic school

Papa's girls!
Everything is bigger in TX- even the baby swings.  They both fit in one!

The Riverwalk is beautiful.  Take away half the tourists and half of the establishments, and it would be spectacular

Saying good bye to TX.  Kate says Butchie really likes it here

We drove back to Austin and jumped on a plane back to Boston (where a car with a dead battery greeted us at Logan)

But not without buying a cowboy hat to wear to preschool on Friday!

It was an early, cold morning after our Texas trip, but we Kate was so psyched to show her hat at school, she was cooperative