Monday, December 20, 2010


Kate was starting to fret a bit about the lack of snow so close to Christmas. On 12/20, she went down for a nap and she woke up to a winter wonderland. "Winter came when I was sleeping, Mama!!"

We took a walk to the dry cleaners and had a blast. The best part was the hot chocolate when we got back...

Rosy cheeks

Kate's 1st hot chocolate (and marshmallow)

"Do cheers, Mama!"

At Mass General the next day. I bribed her with a frolic in the snow if she would sit patiently through my blood draw (which she loves to watch).
My old stomping grounds. When she is old enough, I can't wait to take her up to the Ether Dome. Yes, I am a MGH geek :-) This is where Kate was born!
The Bullfinch Building (Ether Dome on top, where the country's first anesthetized surgery took place)
A great sculpture dedicated to an old OB. "Look mama, she's nursing!!"

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