Thursday, December 16, 2010


We made a lot of cookies this Christmas. We even took the show on the road to Grandma's and Jill's.

Getting the supplies ready
"I'm not eating them Mama, I just sniffing them!!"
Kate's Playdough play was good training for cookies- she did really well!
"Just a few more in my cup, Mama?" How could I say no?!
The icing was interesting. No Martha Stewart for me this year- I bought the ready-made stuff

But sprinkles was where it was really at
This is moderation
A little sampling

A little less moderation
B is for Butchie
Notice she first licked off all of the icing and then sprinkled? That is why she had her own tray.
Was really into making letters: M, K, and P for guess who?
Milk does wash cookies and pure sugar down nicely
Look, B-Man!
Show on the road: Jill and Jaime's house
Jill inspired Mama to be more creative.
Sugar-fueled dancing
Show # 3: Grandma's
"Just sniffing, Mama!!"

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