Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day

The doll house was a huge hit!But the lollipops were the biggest hit. She has been talking about Santa bringing her lollipops for a month now (even asked the dentist to email Santa with the go-ahead). Now it is my unpleasant job to ration them! We let her have 3 straight away...

Santa brought a cat hat for baby sister

Oh, Butchie

Her play with the doll house revolved around her cats using the bathroom and getting dressed/undressed
Relaxing on Xmas morning

Green pancakes!

Strawberry topping

Santa left lollipops in the bar as well!!
Santa gave Kate the doll house and Mama and Papa gave her a xylophone. She loved it!
Note the fawn. lol
Mama has since spent hours playing with Kate and her doll house. She like to lead...
Butchie gets in on the action
"Mama, they are at the restaurant (resta-ron-ent). They like to eat without clothes better"
Goodnight, cat family. Thanks for the Critters, Auntie Missy and Uncle Josh!

Good night, all

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