Saturday, October 13, 2012

Alex's bout of cold uticaria

We had an awful experience with Alex this month.  While at a Harvard football game, I noticed Alex's hands and face had broken out in a weird rash/hives.  I called the doc who had me bring her to the ER.  They administered Benadryl, but they weren't getting much better.  After a few hours, they released us with an epi pen and an allergist appt.
It happened again at school that Tuesday.  As I was explaining what happened to her teachers, one of them looked at her and said, "is this it?"  I freaked out and brought her home.  I made a list of the two sets of antecedents to the reaction and the only thing I could come up with in common was cold water.  At the football game, she was a bit wet from her water (and it was cold out) and at school, she was washing her hands in very cold water.
I presented this info to the allergist on Wednesday and he made a tentative diagnosis of Cold Uticaria.  Basically, I was told Alex was allergic to the cold.
He had me give her the ice cube test (apparently the only diagnostic for this- hold an ice cube on the skin) and she failed.  Hives everywhere   I took her out in the jogging stroller and she broke out again (50 degrees), and to the playground (60 degrees but cold, wet playground equipment).  I was told to give her Benadryl as needed and Zyrtec daily,  not let her swim in cold water, and have epi pen on me at all times. He suggested I give her a popsicle (with Epi pen and Benadryl in hand) to see if we would need to avoid cold foods.  I was told it was not a virus, would probably last at least her childhood but probably more, and that I should consider a move to a warmer climate.
So, we were a bit freaked out.  Meds everyday with side effects, possible anaphylactic shock from swimming and a weird life for our poor little one!  Although she didn't seem bothered by it.  So, I medicated her on school days and just managed it on other days with layers, etc.  Then, it was gone.  It lasted about 6 weeks and just went away one day.  Very strange.  HOPING that was it, and it was in fact a virus.

I feel really bad for kids and parents who have this allergy.  It was awful.

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