Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Kate back to school!

Kate was BEYOND excited for her first day of school.  It was palpable!  She is doing great.

Let's go!!
Kate started begging to stay for lunch at school, so we signed her up.  I miss her, but it is nice to have a few meal times with just me and Alex.  Kate loves the "lunch bunch", but still asks me "what's for lunch?" when we get home....
Bike path with her Ergo and scooter.  NOT recommended by the AAP.
Butch in Kate's car. Leaving an ice cream shop. Artist: anonymous
What I get if Kate doesn't nap..I nurse Alex and when I come out, she is passed out on the couch (around 7PM).  Here, she quite literally fell asleep standing up.  If she naps, dinner and bath are much more pleasant for all, but then she is up until 9 or 10.  That in itself is fine, but then she is EXHAUSTED in the AM.  Not sure where we are going with this.

Kate borrowing my changing pad.  She has taken a new interest in her doll (who finally has a name:  Alexandra Grace...)
I am going running mama!

Another 7PM bedtime....

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