Friday, October 22, 2010

Uncle Jake's Visit

Uncle Jake was in town the same weekend Reed and Debi were, so we all met at Drumlin Farm for some October Harvest fun. So, Grandma, Bubba, Jake, Grandpapa, Grandma Henny, and Mama and Papa all had a great time with Kate!

Painting pumkins

Grandma and Kate

They were selling apple cider and donuts form Shelburne Farms, Stow MA (where we went apple picking). Not as good here as they were there, but still nice!!

Harriet the Pig

Grandma and Kate ride. "Just like me and Rovah"

It was a long day

Discussing life She wants to move to NYC to "play with toys"

I think they would just get into trouble

Mama was about Kate's age when Jake arrived in '82

Deeper things...
Grandpas and Kate

What a relaxing day

Reading "Mr. Dog" with Jake. Crispin Crispian was a conservative...

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