12 month checkup stats: 19lbs, 1oz (17th percentile); 29.75" (69th percentile). She is long and lean!
Alex loves her "guys"
I said early on that if Alex ever chooses a lovey, it won't be a soft furry friend, but something hard. I don't know why, but she just always gravitated towards the sturdier things.
Hell, Baby! Kate likes to put rasperries on her fingers and sing the Big Bopper's "Hellooooooo, Baby!". Alex caught on quick
A real raspberry hound. And blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries. Our girls have expensive habits!
Stole Kate's headband. Ridiculous!
Alex is now very proficient with a fork and spoon. She never really let me feed her! She is a persistent, autonomous little one. "What, you don't think I can use a fork? Who are you?"
Veggie lasagna
Yogurt. Messy times here
Hello? Isn't it strange kids still know what these things are? Alex has never seen me on anything other than my Blackberry
Alex is saying Mama, Kate, hi, bye, bye (sounds like die, die)
Perfecting her walking
The blockade. Alex loves to take the CDs and records out, turn on the turntable, and try to put tapes in the tape deck (yes, we have a tape deck. Very handy for the dusty children's books on tape section at the library!)
Want some? No, really, take some. I'm serious. I don't want to get rough here. Take it or I will scream!!!!